Google Tag Manager

How to use the Google Tag Manager Plugin?

Google Tag Manager (GTM) is a tag management system (TMS) that allows you to quickly and easily update measurement codes and related code fragments collectively known as tags on your website.


  • Quickly add tags to your website using a single interface
  • Manage all your tags/scripts from a single panel
  • Deploy Google and 3rd Party tags
  • Collaborate with your organization on the Tag Manager dashboard

How to install Google Tag Manager on your ClickMe site

  • Click on Install the plugin
  • Copy your Google Tag Manager Container ID, Paste it into the Tag Manager plugin, click submit.
  • Your GTM is installed.

How to find Google Tag Manager (GTM) Container ID?

We are assuming you already have created a Google Tag Manager container and now you want find the ID. Your GTM container Id always starts with "GTM-" and some text.

There are three ways you can find the Container ID.

  • Way 1: Login to your Google Tag Manager account and go to the home page (opens in a new tab). You can see the list of containers you have previously created Identify the right container created for your ClickMe site and copy the container id from the table.

GTM Container ID

  • Way 2: Login to your Google Tag Manager account and open the right container. In the top right corner next to preview and submit button, you can see a text starts with GTM - and contains some letters and number. That's your Google Tag Manager Container ID.

GTM Container ID

  • Way 3: The same Container ID can be found in the Google Tag Manager container’s code snippet. Click on the container id as i have shown in the above image, you will see two blocks of code. Now look for a text starts with GTM, that your Google Tag Manager Container ID.

GTM Container ID

Benefits of Google Tag Manager

  1. Centralized Tag Management:
    Google Tag Manager (GTM) provides a single platform to manage all your tags, such as tracking codes, pixels, and snippets, without needing to edit code directly on your website. This centralized approach simplifies tag implementation and maintenance.

  2. Ease of Implementation:
    You can add, edit, or remove tags through GTM's user-friendly interface without requiring technical expertise. This reduces reliance on developers and speeds up the deployment of marketing and analytics tags.

  3. Version Control:
    GTM offers version history and workspace features, allowing you to review changes made to tags over time. This helps in tracking modifications and reverting to previous versions if needed, ensuring accuracy and consistency.

  4. Built-in Tag Templates:
    GTM includes a wide range of tag templates for popular platforms like Google Analytics, Google Ads, Facebook Pixel, and more. These templates simplify the setup process for common tags and ensure they are configured correctly.

  5. Trigger Management:
    GTM uses triggers to control when and where tags are fired based on specific user interactions or page conditions. This flexibility allows you to precisely define when tags should be activated, improving data accuracy and reducing unnecessary tracking.

  6. Customization Options:
    GTM allows for advanced tag configurations and custom JavaScript variables, enabling tailored tracking solutions and integrations based on your specific business needs.

  7. Performance and Site Speed:
    Using GTM can improve website performance by reducing the number of external scripts directly embedded in your site. This can lead to faster loading times and a better user experience.

  8. Collaboration:
    GTM supports multiple user access levels and permissions, facilitating collaboration between marketing teams, developers, and agencies. This helps streamline workflow and ensure everyone is working from a centralized platform.

  9. Debugging and Testing:
    GTM provides built-in debugging tools and preview modes that allow you to test tags before they go live. This helps in identifying and fixing issues with tag firing and data collection without affecting your live website.

  10. Integration with Google Ecosystem:
    GTM seamlessly integrates with other Google products like Google Analytics, Google Ads, and Google Data Studio. This integration enables enhanced data collection, reporting, and optimization capabilities across these platforms.